10 Training to Host Half-Mile Training at Rolling Wheels Raceway Park

10 Training to Host Half-Mile Training at Rolling Wheels Raceway Park

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10 Training announces its first ever Half-Mile training program at the Rolling Wheels Raceway Park on Sunday, July 9, following the American Flat Track National event Saturday, July 8. Thanks to the support from American Flat Track and Rolling Wheels Raceway, 10 Training will provide training to amateur and professional riders looking to enhance their skills and mindset that is needed on Half-Miles at much higher speeds than your typical short track and TT events usually run across the country.

“It’s been a program I have wanted to put together for a while,” said Johnny Lewis, rider coach and owner of 10 Training. “I found it absolutely necessary that we worked to provide Half-Mile training like this to help ensure that aspiring pros and pros alike are getting an opportunity to obtain a deeper knowledge to allow them to move faster but more importantly safer on these types of tracks.”

A unique training day is set for students to ride the same track the pros will race on the night before. Johnny Lewis AFT #10 will break down step by step his process of riding larger tracks. Beginning with body positioning and progressing the training to focusing on the mindset needed to react at the higher speeds.

Lewis’ focus at 10 training is a one-on-one approach with smaller training classes, as such 10 Training will host two separate four-hour classes on Sunday, July 9, starting with a 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. class and then the second class will begin 1:00 p.m. and run until 5:00 p.m.

Riders are required to bring their own equipment prepared for Half-Mile mile training which should include full leathers, a back protector, road race or moto boots, gloves, eye protection, and helmet that is labeled with the following recognized standards including:  BSI: 6658 Type A, USA: Snell M2010 / M2015, United Nations: Regulation ECE 22.05 P’, Japan: JIS 8133:2007. Riders will run through a bike and rider check at the beginning of each class. For this type of training the minimum age restriction will be 12 years old.

“This is a specialized training experience,” Lewis added. “An opportunity to ride the Half-Mile raced by the pros the night before. We are really excited to be able to offer this to riders. To ensure we can cover the cost of the track rental the day following the AFT National, while also keeping the class sizes small, we are setting the cost to enroll in this specialized training experience to $300 for a 4-hour session.”

Riders can sign up by emailing johnnylewis10@live.com with the following information: Name, Age, Bike, current racing class, along with contact information for Lewis to contact you personally to discuss in more detail about the training and you and your rider goals. A deposit of $50 must also be sent to PayPal at Johnnylewis10@live.com to hold the spot. Class sessions can be requested either 8am-12pm or 1pm-5pm but if possible may be regrouped by Lewis if he feels certain riders would benefit more from training together.

For more information or questions regarding this training program or future 10 Training programs please email johnnylewis10@live.com or visit www.trainingby10.com.