Bubba Shobert to be AFT Texas Half-Mile Grand Marshal on April 28
Don ‘Bubba’ Shobert, three-time AMA Grand National dirt track champion, 1988 AMA Superbike champion, and 1998 inductee to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, will be the Grand Marshal at the American Flat Track Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys Texas Half-Mile presented by Al Lamb’s Dallas Honda on April 28 at Texas Motor Speedway near Dallas, Texas.
Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, and still a resident there, Shobert is excited to drop back into the flat track racing scene he dominated so handily during the 1980s, one of the sport’s true golden eras.
“Dirt track racing is part of me,” Shobert said, “and I very much enjoy attending an AFT National whenever I can. My first races as a youngster were short track meets right here in Texas, so seeing a pro race in my home state means a lot.”
Shobert will be at the Speedway all day Saturday, talking with fans, signing autographs and hanging out in the paddock with the riders. But he’ll also make an appearance at Al Lamb’s Dallas Honda on Friday night along with some of the AFT stars. Lamb’s crew will have giveaways, food, music, race tickets on sale and all sorts of flat track stuff happening, so be sure to drop by if you’re in the area.
“We’re very excited to host Bubba Shobert at Texas Motor Speedway,” said AFT Events COO Cameron Gray. “Bubba’s amazing history in our sport speaks for itself, and I know the fans are going to love seeing him.”
With reigning AFT Twins champion Jared Mees looking to make it three straight wins on his Indian Scout FTR750 in 2018, and with 2017 AFT Singles champ Kolby “The Flying Tomato’ Carlile looking to podium for the first time this season against a host of hungry competitors, the action in Texas is bound to be hot and heavy.
A wide range of tickets – from General Admission grandstand seating to ultra-plush indoor VIP Suite accommodations – are available from Texas Motor Speedway. General admission tickets start at just $38 (purchased in advance), and are $10 more on race day. Military and first-responder tickets are just $20 with appropriate ID. Kids 12 and under are free, and VIP Suite tickets, which feature climate-controlled box seating with front-straight views, restrooms, snacks, dinner buffet and drinks (iced tea, water, lemonade beer and wine), are $150 - with kids 12 and under just $50. This VIP Suite package is an amazing race-viewing experience, and seats are limited, so don't delay!
Come see flat track legend Bubba Shobert and an entire afternoon and evening of bar-bangin’ American Flat Track action on Saturday, April 28. You won't want to miss this!
Bubba Shobert doing the TT boogie at legendary Ascot Park back in 1984.