Facebook Five Questions: Bryan Smith

Facebook Five Questions: Bryan Smith

For this week’s Facebook Five, Indian Motorcycle Racing backed by All States’ Bryan Smith was put on the hot seat. From tech answers to whether there’s any relation to Kenny Chesney, the 2016 champ gives you his two cents.

How does the Indian’s power delivery differ from the Kawasaki’s?

The power delivery on the Indian is a little more broad than the Kawasaki’s, a characteristic some would probably describe as “torquier.” Both are great engines, but since the Indian engine was designed and built specifically for dirt-track racing, and the Kawasaki for the street, the Indian powerplant is obviously a better all-around engine for flat track racing.

It was great seeing you have success on TT tracks this year. Was that something you focused on in the off season?

It’s something I have focused on for many off seasons, as it’s always been the weakest part of my program. I prepared the same as always, on Michigan’s trails and on the TT ice tracks, with my buddy Pat Buchanan keeping me honest. I think more of the success came from me riding the Twin on the TTs this year, as they suit my style of riding a little more.

What are you doing in the off season to prepare to beat Jared Mees?

Basically, we’re doing our homework and dotting all our i’s! We have done it before and we can do it again. I’m confident in my team to give me what I need to get the job done in 2018.

In your mind, what’s behind resurgence of AMA Flat Track? I've been a fan all my life, but it's been difficult to follow at the national level until a few years ago.

FansChoice.tv and the new NBCSN television deal have really given flat-track a shot in the arm. My hat is off to Michael Lock (AFT’s CEO) and Gene Crouch (AFT’s Chief Marketing Officer) for pushing the sport to levels I never thought I would see in my career.

Did you and Kenny Chesney get separated at birth? He is for sure your doppelgänger...

Ha! As I get older, the more it seems that way. When Kid Rock’s dad mistook me for Chesney, I figured it (this question) was inevitable!