Facebook Five Questions: Sammy Halbert

Facebook Five Questions: Sammy Halbert

From stock tips to tech tips, fan favorite “Slammin’” Sammy Halbert answers your questions in this week’s Facebook Five.

What are the strengths of the bikes you’ve raced in the last year?

The strength of my Yamaha was its raw speed. The strength of the Harley-Davidson XR750 was its cornering ability.

Whatever happened to the school bus? I'm sure it holds lots of memories as well as a few crazy stories. Care to share a few? 

We still have the Cool Bus! It’s resting and waiting for the call to action. Depending on my plans for next season it might be making a comeback. One of my favorite stories from the Cool Bus days was from a Half-Mile National in New York in 2008. I broke during the main, so my Dad, Jethro and I found out how fast the old bus would go on the way back to LZ Racing headquarters in Ohio to have it fixed in time for the next round. I was driving, Jethro was filming, and my dad was cheering us on as we got it up to 97mph.

Will you be doing any more youth riding camps in Northern California in 2018?

Yes. We are already in talks about having another school in Prairie City. I really enjoyed doing that this year.

What will take to beat the wrecking crew next season?

It’s going to take a Sammy at 100%, and a solid bike.

What stock would you suggest I buy?

Look to pick up some Intel (INTC) on a pullback.