InSLIDE Line 29...Better late than never edition!
Courtesy of Fight for Dirt Track's Tyler Porter:
Hello and welcome to your Friday morning!
July 19, 2013 - We are running just a little behind this morning, as a late night of motocross shenanigans put me down for the count last night with my lap top in hand. Never fear though, that pre-dawn energy burst kicked in and we punched out a column pretty quick. This week we review the triple header in Illinois last week where we had some surprise winners, including a feat that hasn't happened in 49 years! We go over some new products, our Basic Twins class and what Henry Wiles will be riding the rest of the year. It's all here and it's all good so head on over to www.fightfordirttrack.com/inslide_line.php and check it out. Have a great weekend and THANK YOU FOR READING!