InSLIDE Line 43...Don't Let The Size Fool Ya!

InSLIDE Line 43...Don't Let The Size Fool Ya!

Courtesy of Fight for Dirt Track's Tyler Porter:

Hello and welcome to a very chilly Friday Morning (At least in Kentucky!)

October 25, 2013 - As the title of this press release suggests, this week's column isn't a whopper that may have your boss wondering what you spend your Friday's doing, however, this week's column isn't lacking for some great information! A big bombshell was dropped on the sport this week as one of our most successful teams lost the driving force behind their phenomenal equipment. Lot's of ideas on what could happen in that situation. As soon as we got that news, another VERY well known racer has switched brands on his singles equipment, which, if you know this racer at all, is a VERY big deal as he tends to be very set in his ways with equipment. To top it off, AMA Pro Racing released their media numbers for the 2013 season and I think they will surprise a lot of people. We also talk about year end bonuses for a lot of our racers and you can find out who is walking around on a new-to-him ACL this week. It's all there with some Best Of's for your entertainment...check it out at Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!!