Miller Lite Signs as a Presenting Sponsor for the AMA Pro Sacramento Mile
Courtesy of Penny Nicolai and Concepts Unlimited
May 25, 2013 - Circle Bell Motorsports is pleased to announce that they have inked an agreement with Miller Lite to be a presenting sponsor for the upcoming AMA Pro Sacramento Mile, July 27th at Cal Expo.
“We are really pleased to have Miller Lite on board for the third year in a row,” says Circle Bell Motorsports’ president Bob Bellino. “They are a great company to work with and definitely share our love of AMA Pro Flat Track. Their support is invaluable.”
Introduced by Miller Brewing Company in 1975, Miller Lite was the first low-calorie beer to be distributed nationally and essentially became the first mainstream light beer.
Specially brewed from the finest malted barley, select cereal grains and choice hops, Miller Lite delivers superior taste in a less filling beer. In fact, Miller Lite took top honors for Best American-Style Lager or Light Lager at the 2010 Great American Beer Festival. Today Miller Lite continues the commitment to great taste and innovation. Great taste doesn’t happen by accident.
“We feel very fortunate to be able to team up with Circle Bell Motorsports and the AMA Pro
Sacramento Mile,” says Pete Leesha, Vice President of Marketing. “It is a spectacular race and a great community event and it is good to have it back in Northern California. Bob Bellino and the entire Circle Bell Motorsports team do an outstanding job.”
Hitting speeds up to 130 mph and racing handlebar-to-handlebar, flat track racing is indeed the most exciting form of two-wheel racing in America today. There is no time to coast, no time to try and figure out strategy. It is sheer go-for-it from beginning to end. Plan now to attend the AMA Pro Sacramento Mile presented by Miller Lite.
For more information on Miller Lite go to www.millerlite.com and for more information on the AMA Pro Sacramento Mile go to www.sacramentomile.com.