Motorcycle Veteran Buddy Stubbs Named Grand Marshal for the Law Tigers Arizona Mile

Motorcycle Veteran Buddy Stubbs Named Grand Marshal for the Law Tigers Arizona Mile

PHOENIX, Ariz. (May 3, 2016) - Promoters of the Law Tigers Arizona Mile have named Buddy Stubbs, a Phoenix businessman whose name has been synonymous with Harley-Davidson for a half-century in the Valley of the Sun, as Grand Marshal for the AMA Pro Flat Track race, set for May 14 at Turf Paradise.

“I’m really excited to be part of the Arizona Mile,” said Stubbs. “The race is the return of professional Flat Track motorcycle racing to Phoenix after 30 years and it’s a grand way for me to celebrate my 50th year as a Harley-Davidson dealer.”

“There just couldn’t be anybody else more suited to be Grand Marshal for this weekend than Buddy Stubbs,” said event co-promoter Charlie Frank.  “He has a passion for motorcycles and for racing that just can’t be equaled.” 

Stubbs may be best known to Phoenix residents for his three dealerships, his massive “Bike Week” event that draws thousands of visitors, and his vast collection of historic motorcycles, considered one of the largest collections of its type in the country. Before Stubbs became a businessman, he was a successful amateur racer with a career that culminated in an AMA national championship in 1963.

For the Arizona Mile, Stubbs will bring a historic 1972 Harley-Davidson XR-750 from his private collection for some honorary laps around the mile oval at Turf Paradise during opening ceremonies at 2:30 p.m. to commemorate the legendary motorcycle that Harley-Davidson campaigned to win the AMA Pro Flat Track manufacturers’ championship in its debut year. Prior to the race, Stubbs and other Flat Track racing legends will be available for an autograph session alongside the stars of AMA Pro Flat Track.

The Law Tigers Arizona Mile will feature the top professional Flat Track riders in the world. The riders in the premier Harley-Davidson GNC1 presented by Vance & Hines division will pilot their specially-prepared twin-cylinder machines at speeds of more than 130 mph on the big Turf Paradise mile oval, while the GNC2 category provides a breeding ground for talent and features some of the closest racing each weekend.

After competing on a short track Daytona and a half-mile in Austin to kick off the season, the riders in both classes are gearing up for the unique challenges that they’ll face on the mile.

“Racing on a mile is a high-speed gamble and it requires more finesse and precision than the shorter tracks,” said Sammy Halbert, who hails from Washington state and leads the early championship point standings. “It also requires more strategy. We draft each other just like stock cars and sometimes it’s hard to get to the spot you want in the field because everybody else is trying to do the same thing.”  

Tickets for the Law Tigers Arizona Mile start at just $39 for adults, $10 for children between the ages of 6 and 12 while kids 5 and under are free. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit