Springfield All-Star Race Report...Lighting Struck Twice'
Courtesy of Tyler Porter's Fight for Dirt Track:
September 3, 2013 - Due to a cancellation of a work event this week, I'm nestled in at the Porter Plantation in the heart of Paducah Kentucky listening to laundry tumble in the dryer and my dog snore loudly in the corner of the "office". I can't believe after the year that I've had that I'm writing two positive race reports in a row, but man, Springfield Illinois was good to me this weekend. It was a rough start though! Last week was a bit of a whirl wind between heading to Memphis Shades' headquarters and picking up the event truck, getting home in time to pound out the InSLIDE Line racing column on www.fightfordirttrack.com and then leaving here early enough to get to Springfield on time. The column was posted, I had the big rig loaded and off to Springfield I went.
It's funny, now that local racing has died in the Paducah area, Springfield is the closest race that I go to all year long other than the indoor races in DuQuoin Illinois. Springfield was also my first ever Grand National to attend, as Steve Nace took me there in 2002. Springfield is a special place for any dirt tracker, it's like the mecca of our sport really. Winning the Springfield mile trumps anything else, it is our Daytona 500. Though I didn't race on the mile this weekend since I could not source a twin to ride either day, we did have the All-Star race on Friday night which is promoted by Steve Nace Racing promotions. The All-Star events are very nice. The purse for the Pros and Experts is good, the show is run very professionally, and they have a few Amateur classes so that the up and comers as well as the vet and vintage riders can get a little of the spot light too. The short track built inside the multi-purpose arena this year was one of the better designs, as they used up nearly the entire arena to make it. The dirt in Springfield is simply legendary too, and the crew from Steve Nace Racing Promotions as well as the IMDA know how to prep it to perfection.