Statement from AMA Pro Racing about comments made by race officials at the OKC Mile

Statement from AMA Pro Racing about comments made by race officials at the OKC Mile

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (June 19, 2018) – AMA Pro Racing would like to apologize to competitors, sponsors and fans for the conduct of race officials in a video that was streamed online from race control at the OKC Mile. The video included a race official using foul language and making disparaging remarks which are not representative of the organization.

“This behavior is inappropriate, unacceptable and does not reflect the company or the culture we’ve built at AMA Pro Racing,” said Michael Lock, CEO of American Flat Track. “I’m disappointed in my staff, as these actions undermine the great work we’ve been doing to raise the profile of the sport. l will be taking action to ensure that this will not happen again.”

“I sincerely apologize for my behavior,” said Chris Carr, Chief Competition Officer of American Flat Track. “I am embarrassed by what I said and ashamed that I let my frustration get the better of me. I would like to apologize for publicly embarrassing the sport.”

The video was originally posted to an individual’s social media page and was subsequently removed when it was brought to AMA Pro Racing’s attention.