Tune-In Alert! Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile LIVE on TrackPass TOMORROW!

Tune-In Alert! Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile LIVE on TrackPass TOMORROW!

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (October 8, 2020) - Progressive American Flat Track presents its return to Charlotte Motor Speedway for the Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile I and II in Concord, North Carolina.

The action for all three of AFT's classes - AFT SuperTwins presented by Vance & Hines, AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles presented by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys - will kick off at 4:30 p.m. ET (1:30 p.m. PT) on both Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10.

For less than $1 a race, fans can tune into three days of back-to-back-to-back racing with the AFT package on TrackPass on NBC Sports Gold.

Sign up for TrackPass on NBC Sports Gold today at www.nbcsports.com/gold/trackpass.

Looking to watch Progressive AFT action live internationally (including Canada)? Click here.

For more information on Progressive American Flat Track visit www.americanflattrack.com.

To get the latest Progressive American Flat Track clothing and merchandise visit store.americanflattrack.com.