WeirBach Racing Report: Rising From the Ashes (Literally)
Bad start to our day in Springfield this weekend: most of the outside of the van burned. This is what we saw at 4:30 am Sunday morning—ours is the one the the heart of the fire.
We were very lucky, as the fire department got the fire out before we lost everything and the race fuel exploded. The fire marshal has no idea what caused the fire, but it started outside the van. Our Mile bikes were inside the van along with all the stuff we needed to race on Sunday. It got so hot inside the van, it melted a lot of the plastics on the bikes, and most everything inside is not worth saving because of the heat, smoke, and water.
We were able to get one Honda and the SV together enough to take to the racetrack, and had a back-up bike in the trailer for Mikey to run. A full race report will follow soon.... By the way, LaBelle fast qualified for the 450s and finished in seventh place behind Martin, who finished second in the Mile final on Sunday. Need I say, we never give up.
Dick, Ted, and the whole team